Who we are

Kathy Zheng, a Los Angeles-based certified Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki practitioner, is dedicated to helping clients find clarity, reduce stress, and restore harmony to the mind and body. Through gentle and nurturing holistic healing sessions, Kathy guides clients in releasing energetic blockages and reconnecting with their inner peace and well-being.

From a young age, Kathy has felt a deep connection to the intuitive and spiritual world, with a natural ability to sense energies and subtle shifts in the universe. After years of dedicating herself to demanding careers in politics and Fortune 500 companies, she has reawakened to her innate gifts, embracing them as a source of guidance and insight. Through this journey, Kathy has discovered a profound calling to help others find clarity, balance, and connection to their own inner wisdom.

Kathy’s ultimate goal is to foster a more empathetic and compassionate world, using her gifts to support healing, growth, and transformation for those seeking deeper alignment in their lives.

Woman in white standing in front of a vibrant pink bougainvillea bush.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin